Everything Has A Place

At La Casa de Kraft, it is quite an operation. Between food allergies, particular preferences, and the twins’ nutritional needs, we have five different kinds of milk in the fridge at this moment. We can stuff the fridge full on Monday morning and have it nearly empty by Sunday afternoon.

One thing that V did to bring order to the chaos was to give a place for everything and make sure everything has a place. It is one thing to create a system like this for just the two of us, but with some of the kids able to get things out of the fridge, in-laws, and simply the chaos, we needed a bit more.

Armed with some plastic bins and a label maker, chaos has been brought to order.


Top of the list, back of the bin.


Of course, sometimes, Mommy and Daddy need a little space. That counts for the fridge too. It might be the unlabeled space….image

While not every single space is labeled, everything has a place. It is amazing how quickly things fall apart when we stop following the system for even a day. What ways do y’all bring order to chaos?

One thought on “Everything Has A Place

  1. I love this. I am a big fan of habits and routines. I never have to wonder when I’m going grocery shopping because I have a habit in place for adding things to my list (as soon as I notice I need them, and also right before going to the store) and a scheduled day to go (Saturday, followed by getting gas at the same HEB). I thought everyone did things that way until I realized that my emergency runs for tea (which I drink the way others drink coffee) were happening at the same time others go 2 or 3 times a week!


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